#100SustainabilityPledge Campaign

What is it?

Why does this campaign matter?

How to get involved?

This initiative is an opportunity for you to support a range of impactful projects that drive meaningful change in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss. Our goal is to raise $50,000 AUD to scale our efforts and fund diverse initiatives that make a difference.

Biodiversity and Protecting Country is the focus of our first project under the #100SustainabilityPledge. Biodiversity is the foundation of life on Earth, supporting everything from clean water and air to the stability of our climate. Protecting biodiversity is critical to the future of our planet. However, habitat loss and climate change are pushing our ecosystems and native species to the brink. Equally urgent is the need to protect Indigenous lands and cultures—custodians of these ecosystems for thousands of years. By preserving biodiversity and safeguarding Country, we ensure the survival of our natural world and the cultural heritage that depends on it.

Pledge $100 or More: Your contribution will directly support our projects, helping us scale our impact and create a sustainable future. Donate here

Spread the Word: Share the #100SustainabilityPledge campaign with your network and help us reach more people committed to positive change.

Follow Our Progress: Stay updated on the impact of your contribution and the progress of our projects through our website and social media channels.

Over the past three years, Subak Australia has supported incredible not-for-profit organisations that are making significant strides in conservation and environmental protection.

Our Impact So Far

  • Balu Blue Foundation

    On a mission to rehabilitate habitats, educate communities, and preserve wildlife, Balu Blue's strategic interventions in Rehabilitation, Education, and Preservation are creating lasting change. From caring for injured wildlife to fostering collaboration across the nation, their work is vital to protecting our environment.

  • Wildlife AI

    Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, Wildlife AI accelerates conservation efforts by fast-tracking data processing and integrating citizen science. Their innovative tools provide solutions to manage and conserve biodiversity more effectively, helping mitigate the impacts of climate change and habitat loss.

Together, we can make a difference

By supporting the #100SustainabilityPledge, you’re joining a community dedicated to protecting our planet and preserving the cultural heritage that is vital to its future. Every pledge gets us one step closer to a world where people and nature thrive in harmony.