We are an impact multiplier for climate action

With expertise spanning continents, our team is a diverse and dynamic collective dedicated to driving positive change on a global scale.

Based in the vibrant city of Melbourne, Australia, our core team operates from the Epoch Institute, a dynamic co-working space that serves as a hub for purpose-driven businesses, social enterprises, startups, not-for-profit organisations, and individual change makers. Here, amidst a thriving community of like-minded individuals, we collaborate, innovate, and strategize to advance our mission of sustainability and resilience.

Complementing our presence in Melbourne, our international team is in London, UK. This strategic location allows us to tap into a wealth of global perspectives, insights, and networks, enriching our approach to addressing complex environmental challenges.

United by a shared passion for environmental stewardship and a commitment to making a difference, our team brings together a wealth of experience, expertise, and dedication to create a more sustainable and resilient world for future generations.

Meet our Australian Team

Meet the UK Team & Board Members