We're passionate about empowering not-for-profits to make a lasting positive impact on the environment.

Our Village Hub extends our commitment to not-for-profit initiatives, supporting founders in creating effective and impactful climate-focused organizations. Our mission is to empower and guide, fostering a community that thrives on collaboration and innovation.

We go beyond the ordinary to cultivate a supportive ecosystem for not-for-profit startups. Our unique guilds are designed to address the fundamentals necessary for scaling, ensuring that every founder receives the tools and knowledge needed to make a meaningful impact.

Members of our village hub gain exclusive access to a wealth of resources, including best-in-class mentors and advisors. These seasoned professionals bring their expertise to the table, providing invaluable insights and guidance to help startups navigate the challenges of the climate-focused sector.

Meet our 2022 cohort

We celebrate the incredible journeys of our members, and we're thrilled to spotlight the remarkable accomplishments of one standout individual from our village, Josh Hopkins, Founder of Open Corridor.

Josh embarked on a mission to provide data flows on water, land, and energy use, to local government authorities, businesses, and communities. We've been privileged to witness and support every step of his transformative journey.

From navigating challenges to achieving significant milestones, Open Corridor has become an inspiration within our vibrant village.

Meet our 2023 cohort

Meet our 2024 cohort

Our global community consists of climate not-for-profit startups across Europe