Public Interest Registry Names Subak Australia as 2024  .ORG Impact Awards Finalist 

On August 13, 2024, Public Interest Registry (PIR), the  organisation behind the .ORG domain, proudly announced that Subak Australia was  selected as a finalist for the 2024 .ORG Impact Awards. This esteemed global awards  program honours exceptional mission-driven individuals and organisations worldwide for  their significant contributions to society. 

Chosen from over 1,700 applications spanning nearly 90 countries, Subak Australia stood  out for its work supporting the environment through climate and nature-focused action.  With its experienced network, Subak Australia helps non-profits grow their environmental  impact using data, innovative solutions and narrative to influence policy for critical change. 

Chris Wilson, Subak Australia Founder and Executive Director says: “We are in no doubt  that creating a collaborative collective of smart, committed non-profits is essential to ensure  change at pace and scale. By sharing knowledge and real-time information we are effectively tackling the climate crisis and creating the systemic change and mass  behaviours necessary to protect nature in order to ensure a future for our children.” 

All winners will be revealed at an in-person awards ceremony on October 8 in Washington,  D.C. Finalists from around the world will gather for the event, with each receiving a donation  of $2,500 USD. Additionally, all finalists, including Subak Australia, will compete for larger  donations ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 USD. 

The 35 finalists represent the top five entries in each of the seven award categories: 

● Community Building 

● Quality Education for All 

● Environmental Stewardship 

● Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 

● Health and Healing 

● Hunger and Poverty 

● Rising Stars (leaders under 25 making a difference in their communities) 

Subak Australia is a finalist in the Environmental Stewardship category. Winners across all  categories, including the prestigious .ORG of the Year, will be announced during the .ORG  Impact Awards celebration on October 8. The .ORG of the Year winner will receive a  $50,000 USD donation, while winners of the other categories will each receive $10,000  USD. 

Beyond the financial award, the recognition from the .ORG Impact Awards will help elevate  the profiles of winning organisations, boosting donations, funding, talent acquisition,  partnership development, and audience reach. 

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Subak Australia 

Subak Australia is a non-profit founded to revolutionise our response to climate change. We  continue to build a global village of organisations and individuals dedicated to climate action,  restoring nature and protecting the planet. Our laser focus is on driving policy to create  systemic and mass behavioural change. Subak Australia’s collaborative diverse community  of innovators across the Asia-Pacific region is a dynamic network of change-makers  dedicated to addressing pressing climate challenges. 

About Public Interest Registry 

Public Interest Registry (PIR) is a nonprofit that operates the .ORG top-level domain—one of the world’s largest generic top-level domains with more than 11 million domain names  registered worldwide. .ORG is open to everyone, providing a global platform for  organisations, associations, clubs, businesses and individuals to bring their ideas to life. PIR  has been a champion for a free and open Internet for two decades with a clear mission to be  an exemplary domain name registry, provide a trusted digital identity and help educate those  who dedicate themselves to improving our world. PIR was founded by the Internet Society ( in 2002 and is based in Reston, Virginia, USA. Visit for  more information. 


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